The fact that the last time I posted here was in August last year (almost seven months ago) tells you that I have been failingRead More
The fact that the last time I posted here was in August last year (almost seven months ago) tells you that I have been failingRead More
The Magdalena Project is celebrating its 35th anniversary with a series of 35-minute interviews with 35 women from the network.
I am one week into the 14 days of “managed isolation” currently required to enter New Zealand, and so far surviving very well. With anRead More
Last year while trying to have a sabbatical during the pandemic (which turned out to be impossible for someone whose artistic practice is online performance)Read More
Recently I travelled from one side of the world to the other. This is something I, and many other people, have grown accustomed to beRead More
The pandemic has thrown into sharp relief the massive inequalities on which the “old normal” world was built on, and given us privileged people a taste of what has long been the reality for far too many people all over the world. We cannot scream about our rights to move and consume when that lifestyle is based on so many others being denied those same rights.
Chickens, cyberformance and the pandemic: Helen reflects on how her “sabbatical” is turning out to be very different to what she had expected.
February was a month of farewells – and it semms to be continuing into March, with today’s sad news of Jeanette Fitzsimon‘s sudden death yesterdayRead More
I’ve just finished reading Ellie Harrison’s inspirational book, The Glasgow Effect, which has the byline “a tale of class, capitalism and carbon footprint”. It tells the story of Ellie’s one-year project to “not travel beyond Glasgow’s city limits, or use any vehicles except my bike, for a whole calendar year.”