Why AI?

Yesterday I read that Ireland’s data centres used 21% of the country’s electricity last year – more than the amount consumed by all of itsRead More

crows nest

What’s going on …

As spring turns into summer, I am watching a crows’ nest from my window, where two babies have just hatched and the parents are busyRead More


the art of letting go

In 2009 I collaborated with my good friend, scenographer Antonella Diana, on an interactive installation called “Let ME Go“. It was based on the SumerianRead More

Digital Mobility / Mobile Thinking

My article, “Digital Mobility / Mobile Thinking” appears in the first volume of Kultura Nova’s four-volume series on mobility, which is titled “Mobility in Culture: Conceptual Frameworks and Approaches”.

Irina Danilova War in Ulkraine flag series

Art not War

On Wednesday I attended Irinia Danilova’s presentation “War in Ukraine & Art” as part of Franklin Furnace’s Loft space. irinia Danilova, who is Ukranian andRead More

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