back to basics

i’ve been waiting for my blog to get its style formatting back before i post but i realise it’s a bit silly to wait. the default blue links, times font and uncomplicated white background are refreshing and slightly nostalgic. remember back in the old days when just about all links where blue and underlined? the content is still the same, without the packaging : ) i’m back in brisbane and have been blissfully horizontal for large amounts of the last week: long sleep-ins, lying on the grass reading, lying on the grass examining the clouds, lying underneath piles of small boys, lying in the spa and sauna at the korean baths … mmmm. alas, it can’t last. before i’ve had time to get bored, i’ve got to get vertical again. that’s right, i’m enrolled in full-time studies! i remember vaguely, something about cyberformance? my studies were completely UpStaged for the last couple of months by UpStage V2, the launch, the exhibition, the fabulous 070707 UpStage Festival. i still can’t quite belive that everything went off without a (visible) hitch! AND everyone had fun : ) so much fun that repeat performances are already happening – check the UpStage web site to see what’s coming up. the excitement is all over but i still have reports to write, and the challenge of working out where to scratch together the next bit of funding from … i left an arctic wellington on 16 july for a summery brisbane where everyone is complaining of the cold (to be fair, the nights can be chilly) and people resolutely dressed in winter coats and scarves jostle alongside others comfortable in t-shirts and jandals (oops, “thongs”). i spent the first week back in a studio at the university with james & suzon, undertaking experiments with data projectors, mirrors, bodies, cameras, internet, etc. then i had my horizontal week … and now i’m busy chipping away at some deadlines so i can get on with the study … (but first i’ll just listen once more to my birthday poem from len – “happy birthday” in finnish in UpStage … : )